Beauty in the Balance
Here we are, taking a leap! I have decided to follow my heart and create this site. My writing needs a place to go! Many of you know that there has been a longing in my soul to write, for as long as I can remember, and life has presented me with very many things to write about.
As I embark on my 60th year of life, I've taken this time to create this space, Beauty in the Balance.
Balance. The dictionary defines it as "an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright or steady." While my life has traversed through many ups and downs, I have arrived at a place where I am seeking balance. I know the value of being steady: of finding emotional homeostasis.
Here's the thing...I have had some very wonderful things in my life, and some pretty tragic ones too. I have had to find the good in the bad and regroup to recover from the worst. And I've had some really amazing adventures that filled my heart with joy. I've been to many places, taken on many adventures, dived into many risks, known the greatest of all tragedies and worked hard many times to regroup and recover. I can say that truly, unequivocally, I have had a meaningful life. I will share some of the most valuable lessons, which continue to influence my life, from my 20+ years of personal growth work. Working on my life was one of the best decisions of I have made, and the fruit that it has born cannot be compared to anything else.
Beauty in the Balance will be a place to reflect and digest all of it. I hope that you will be inspired and sometimes challenged. I hope that you will learn something new or pick up some ideas with which you can make your own life more meaningful.
As I look back, the most meaningful times of my life have been those spent with loved ones. I have extrapolated fantastic lessons and bereaved the greatest loss. And as I have gone on, I have recognized the polarity of all things and the innate desire to balance it out.
We will have a "tips and tools" section, a place for me to share all of the health and wellness information that I have accumulated throughout these almost-60 years. Health and wellness has been a passion of mine for most of my life, as early on I recognized the value of the mind-body-spirit connection.
For your eyes, so that you will see beauty everyday, I will also share pictures, paintings, poems, and other works of Art. I'm hoping that it will inspire you to find beauty in your life everyday, to feed your spirit. This will help to balance mind, body and spirit.
Science says that our bodies will always aim to find homeostasis, balance. Our site will reflect that goal, to find balance in our lives. There will be wonderful things and terrible things in our lives, but if we can keep orienting back to center, we will rest in acceptance of it all and find joy. I hope that this will bring you a richer, more meaningful life.
I know that our journeys can be intertwined, us learning from each other. I hope that you will engage through feedback and ask me questions so that I can be on this journey with you.
Most of all, I want this to be the legacy that I leave for Caitlin and Lennon so that they too will have a space to document the beauty of their lives, built upon the beauty of mine. In this way, we will have found the Beauty in the Balance. So, I decided to put my life stories and lessons: the many things and ways in which I have learned, into this website, "Beauty in the Balance". I hope you enjoy and join us on this journey.