Movement: The 3rd Pillar of Health
Move your body, change your life. The third pillar of health.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing” George Bernard Shaw had it right. If we want to age well, we have to move. We have to own our own health as the most precious commodity.
Our bodies are not just lumps of clay. We have 1.2 -1.5 gallons of blood, about 60,000 miles of blood vessels and 100,000 miles of lymph vessels, 26 feet of intestine, 206 bones and approximately 10 pounds of vital organs. Our heart and our lungs need to continuously pump our blood throughout our body to efficiently keep this magnificent machine running! And keep in mind that there is no “pump” for the lymphatic system!
The only way to move lymph and all of the cellular debris it’s carrying is by exercise (in Ayurveda, dry brushing and in TCM, gua sha are recommended also). Lymphatic drainage or massage are also effective in moving lymph.
Consider all of the demands that we put on these bodies of ours and the faith that we put in its’ ability to keep going. ~Pause for a moment of gratitude here~
The third pillar of health, movement, is the tool that we can use to complement what organically and magnificently our circulatory system is already doing. We need to move! It doesn’t matter what kind of movement you choose: running, walking, kickboxing, swimming, crossfit, yoga, pilates or any one of a number of activities that get your body up and moving. Take your pick or try something new but the most important thing is that you MOVE everyday.
This became very clear to me after I lost Megan. Even after having a lifelong and consistent history of working out, my grief-stricken body ached all over, every day. Everything hurt. For months I had mostly NOT moved and the physical pain of my loss was almost unbearable. I knew that a change of state, physical state, would be difficult but necessary. It was counterintuitive to move. The pain wanted me to remain still but I needed to push through and get my blood truly flowing again. It was not easy and I know that we all face those times when getting up and going is a challenge.
Sometimes we’re more motivated than at other times. Sometimes we need to grab someone to partner with or just be able to report our activity to for accountability. For me, writing what I’ve accomplished in my datebook (yes, I still have not converted to the google calendar) is an affirmation in itself. And there are days when we need to rest due to injury or recovery from illness or injury. Active disease processes can prohibit exercising also. There are days when we need to practice self-compassion and play “hooky” too! Balance.
My mom never understood why I was going to aerobics or running or just working out in general. The old way of thinking, her way, was to only work out if you needed to lose weight. We’ve come a long way since that narrowmindedness and now know that moving our bodies is a part of wellness. My old friend, Chrys R., used to tell everyone that I was trying to live forever by living a life committed to wellness. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The truth is that I want to feel good, and be healthy and strong for as long as I can. I want to take care of this home that my spirit and soul resides in and I want to inspire others to do the same. I want to be a good steward of this vessel that I was born into.
On that note, 9 benefits of movement/exercise:
Helps manage weight (in turn, providing less stress on ankles, knees, hips)
Strengthens bones and muscles by increasing bone density and muscle power
Promotes digestion, circulatory and lymphatic movement
Reduces the risk of disease by increasing oxygen levels in our bodies
Improves brain health
Improves mood and sleep
Helps manage stress, depression and anxiety by reducing levels of stress hormones and stimulating production of endorphins
Encourages self-esteem and confidence
Builds relationships with teammates, workout buddies, coaches and loved ones
“The greatest wealth is health.”